Saturday, October 6, 2012


I'm trying to eat more plants.  I'm doing to do more of what I preach to patients day in and day out.  I'm trying to up my energy and feel really good.  Of course, I would like to lose a few pounds.  I want to feel strong again.  Like I can take on anything.  I miss that feeling.  I don't like when I feel like I'm too weak to lift something or I get tired carrying heavy groceries up to my studio.  I think plants are going to be a lot of the answer to that for me.  I'm reading a book intermittently, called Eat to Live by a Dr. Fuhrman.  It has a lot of good points in it.  Why do we eat so much crap?  We are meant to eat plants.  We are filling ourselves with processed foods, sugars and too much meat and we wonder why we are obese, diabetic, hyptensive... why cardiovascular disease is the leading killer... why we're tired and grump and surviving off of coffee and redbulls to keep us going.  Not me anymore!  Another good documentary to bring home the point is Forks Over Knives.  Eric and I are going to try to be vegan-leaning vegetarians during the week.  On the weekends, all bets are off, but I usually try to still make healthy choices.  We didn't want to limit ourselves too much though.  It's not about being strict or being "on a diet".  It's just about being conscious about what we are eating and having a healthy lifestyle.  Not to mention, I haven't been this regular in years.  Literally.  Now I just need to get the exercise component back into motion.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

feeling the earth beneath my toes

I bought Vibram barefoot shoes about a year ago and love them.  I dislocated my cuboid (supposedly) in a half marathon I did two years ago and my podiatrist said that both of my feet are prone to this happening again.  My thought is that barefoot running -- if done properly, will help strengthen up the muscles and ligaments in my feet and help prevent this in the future.  So far so good, but MAN, does it kill my calves.  I need to remember to ease into it -- it kills me for 3 to 4 days afterwards so that I can barely workout.  It has been a while in general since I've ran, so I just need to remember to go slow.  Which is hard to do when you were wanting to do an olympic-distance triathlon that is only 6 weeks away...  eek.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

i like to eat plants.

i feel so much better when i eat healthy.  even if i don't get as good of sleep -- if i've eaten healthy and drank plenty of water, i can make it through the day feeling strong and energized.  something to note and keep in mind.  i'm considering pescatarianism.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

will run for chocolate.

here i am again...
6 weeks until the 15K run that i'm signed up for and i still haven't started training.
why do i do this to myself?

tomorrow. tomorrow i will run.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Sprint Triathlon
Open Water Swim 0.5mi
Road Bike 12mi
Pavement Run 3mi

tri summer II.

hah. funny reading my last post.

i feel OK with where i'm at right now. I did the Schaumburg and Glenview triathlons this summer and just did the Danskin one in Wisconsin today -- my first sprint in open water. Chicago sprint tri is next weekend.

this summer has been mediocre. began strong with a half marathon in May, but i dislocated a bone in my foot which put me out in a boot for a month and a half. and then with boards, vacations and starting my new job as a PA, i got a really late start and never really got my momentum going. so i've just been a weekend warrior triathlete. which is going better than expected for just being a weekend warrior.... but still not where i want to be.

the goal is olympic tri next summer.
also, i'd like to get comfortable and in-shape enough with cycling that i can ride with the oak park cycle club. they cycle at 5:30am which is perfect for me before work.

we'll see how next weekend goes -- my last hoorah this tri season.

ps. i have to say, wetsuit = best invention ever.

Monday, January 25, 2010

2 mi, 22 min

I did my first indoor winter tri over the weekend and got second in my age group! It went really well actually... better than I had expected.

I'm keeping track of my training in an excel sheet now so I'm not posting as much but I'm thinking maybe illn try to do na weekly summary post instead.
